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human events中文是什么意思

用"human events"造句"human events"怎么读"human events" in a sentence


  • 世事


  • Even mrs. archer, who seldom unduly pleased with human events had been altogether glad of her son's engagement .
  • And take a unique role in the shape of human events
  • And take a unique role in the shape of human events
  • " when , in the cause of human events .
  • The second is that the bible and the koran will continue to exercise a dramatic influence over human events , for both good and ill
    其二,无论福祸好坏, 《圣经》与《 * * * 》将继续对人类活动产生重大影响。
  • Thomas jefferson , not an orthodox christian by any standard , still thought that god worked out his justice in human events
  • Land is material carrier of all kinds of produced and subsistent activity , and plays an important role in the course of human events
  • The dominant theme here was an overwhelming sense of the relativity of allperspectives on human events , that is , of the inevitable historicity of humanthought
  • Because , if there is only one god , and if he directs human events and graciously reveals his will to those who seek him , then to try any other way to know or control the future amounts to idolatry
  • When in the course of human events , it be comes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another , and to assume among the powers of the earth , the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature ' s god entitle them . a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the cause which impel them to the separation
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Human Events is a defunct weekly American conservativeIts masthead identifies Human Events as "The National Conservative Weekly." print magazine.
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